Anyway, I was busy trying to rid my palace of those nasty vertical blinds. Those really impede the work of an Estrela Mountain Dog. They serve to block my view of my realm! Why the humans have them, I do not know.
Suddenly, I hear this buzzz, buzzz sound. The wolfhounds did not even wake from their slumber. My keen Estrela ears, which are rosed like wolfhounds but obviously superior in function, had heard the sound of an intruder. Next it was clink, clink against the glass patio doors.
I sprang to action! In seconds the intruder was located and dispatched. Still the wolfhounds slumber. Great hunters? I think the only thing they hunt for is a soft place to sleep.
My family was very pleased with me. After all, they dislike June Bugs as much as I do. It isn't that June Bugs are as dangerous as toads, but I have heard that they are food for toads and we can't have that, now can we????
Well, I must go bark at the thunder (it has now become a dark and stormy afternoon). I don't recall giving any permission for thunder to enter my realm.
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